Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Text File
125 lines
Video Titler V2.0 - Pre Release
This version of the program has not been thourghly tested. Please send bug
reports / suggestions for improvements to ph@doc.ic.ac.uk.
(This is a quickly thrown together manual aswell)
Loading: Just insert the disk on a floppy drive. On a hard disk, you must
make sure that wherever FONTS: is assigned to, there are no more
than 50 different fonts, and none of them have more than 20 sizes
Only bitmaped fonts are used, and all available FONTS are loaded in
to memory on startup, so if you run out of memory, assgin FONTS to
another directory with fewer fonts in.
NOTE: the command syntax is: video [blue]
the optional parameter blue displays all titles on a chroma-blue
The Controls:
Typing Character Edits the current Title. Backspace removes the
last character.
The Font can be changed by selecting a new one from the font
requester in the bottom left corner of the screen
Load Titles loads in a new set of titles
Save Titles loads in the current titles
KNOWN BUG: If you save titles, change the FONTS: directory
(By adding / removing fonts) then load the titles, they may
no longer use the correct fonts.
View Titles displays the current titles. Press Left mouse to start
And left mouse again to stop. Pressing left-mouse while the titles
are scrolling returns to the control panel
Erase Titles clears the memory. Hold down the right mouse button,
and press the left to use this function.
Up Arrow changes to the previous title
Down Arrow changes to the next title. If this is the last title, It
creates a new empty title.
Up Arrow Bar changes to the first title
Down Arror Bar changes to the last title
INS inserts a blank title
DEL removes the current title (Hold Right Mouse Button)
You can also change title by click on the title no (Top left) and typing
in the new title number.
<< , < , > , >> all position the current title
Default moves the current title to the default position
Centre centres the current title
Clicking on the X Position allows you to enter a new one
Clicking on the Default Position allow you to enter a new default pos
Insert ASCII: Reads in an ASCII file with lines terminated by Line
feed, or line feed and carrige return, and inserts the lines as titles
from the current title position.
BUGS: Tabs don't work properly. Will be fixed
All other ASCII below 32 ignored.
Quit Program Guess (Hold the right mouse button when selecting)
The Gadgets to the right of View Titles adjust the line spacing of
the titles. Some larger fonts may be truncated on the smallest
line spacing.
B , I , U change the Bold / Italic / Underline settings of the title
Clicking on a colour changes the current titles colour
Clicking Right mouse on a colour changes the default colour for new
That's It. Sorry It`s so brief, but I`m in a hurry. I`ll do some
proper documentation with the next version which will include:
- Static Titles which fade on / off screen
- A Permanent title / IFF Picture At the Top / Bottom
of the screen.
- Palette Editor
- Fix the Bugs
- Displays purpose of a button when you move mouse over it
- Uses AMOS Turbo (I only got this Today)
- Anything else I Think Of / That's suggested
E-MAIL ME : ph@doc.ic.ac.uk
Distribution: Give it to who you want, but no cash changes hands.